If you are considering starting a business in Thailand you will need to know the following information with regards to business registration. When you register a Thai business in your name in Thailand you will need to have 3 shareholders of which 1 shareholder must be a Thai national. If you are starting a business in Thailand you will need to have a Thai work permit for Thailand and this legal process starts with obtaining a Business Visa outside of Thailand. The work permit will allow you to work in your own business in Thailand.
To register a company in Thailand as a foreigner you are going to need to ensure that your company has a capitalization of at least 2 million Baht when it starts. This amount allows for 1 work permit for a foreigner which in your business would be you. Foreigners are also allowed to hold shares of the company you register but not more than 49% of the company. Again speak to us before you try to register a company in Thailand as there are many options such as the Thai Amity agreement in Thailand if you are an American.
If you have all the documents ready you can register your Thai company in one business day in Thailand as it is very fast once you have all the documents. See the options with regards to Thai business registration options in Thailand and how best to obtain your business registration and Thai work permit in Thailand. Speak to our consultants online or in person at any of our law offices in Thailand. See our main website for more details.